Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pumpkin Love

female bud
male bud
Did you know that there are male and female pumpkin flowers?

The male flowers are on long narrow stems that shoot up high and the female buds have little possible pumpkins right under the bud.

I've had flowers on my pumpkin vines for a while but no baby pumpkins. I decided to do a little research and found out there were two types of buds. Of course I ran right out to see if I had any female flowers since they are the ones that produce pumpkins if pollinated by a male flower. As luck would have it I had one female flower that was blooming. I guess they only bloom for one day. After reading a little more I decided to help my little female along and hand pollinated her. I hope this baby keeps growing.

I'm really excited about my pumpkins. Every time I go out I search for more females. I'm happy to report that I have found several more female buds! Now I'm waiting for them to mature and hopefully get pollinated. Cucumbers also have male and female flowers in case you were wondering.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cutting it Close

Glad I didn't make anymore mistakes in my latest sewing project!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Super Dad!

Funds were a little tight this year as I entered the month of June. Unfortunately my husband's birthday, our anniversary, and Father's Day all fall within two weeks of each other. To help save our budget, I wanted to make my husband something for Father's Day this year. Sadly I don't often make him gifts. I find it much harder to craft for the males in my life. Experiencing the same problem for my son, I came up with the idea of making him a super hero shirt for Christmas. Since my son loved his so much, I thought why not do one for my husband too. I picked up a blue t-shirt at Target thinking I would do Captain America but changed my mind to Super Man once I got home. Lucas had seen a blue on blue Super Man shirt he really liked on The Big Bang Theory that I was not able to find online to purchase. With some freezer paper to trace with, a little Wonder Under, and some old tees I had a super present. I liked it so much I went back and got a deeper blue for a more tradition Super Man for my own super dad.

husband's shirt

My dad's shirt
<--Husband's Shirt
      Dad's Shirt-->