Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cutting it Close

Glad I didn't make anymore mistakes in my latest sewing project!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Super Dad!

Funds were a little tight this year as I entered the month of June. Unfortunately my husband's birthday, our anniversary, and Father's Day all fall within two weeks of each other. To help save our budget, I wanted to make my husband something for Father's Day this year. Sadly I don't often make him gifts. I find it much harder to craft for the males in my life. Experiencing the same problem for my son, I came up with the idea of making him a super hero shirt for Christmas. Since my son loved his so much, I thought why not do one for my husband too. I picked up a blue t-shirt at Target thinking I would do Captain America but changed my mind to Super Man once I got home. Lucas had seen a blue on blue Super Man shirt he really liked on The Big Bang Theory that I was not able to find online to purchase. With some freezer paper to trace with, a little Wonder Under, and some old tees I had a super present. I liked it so much I went back and got a deeper blue for a more tradition Super Man for my own super dad.

husband's shirt

My dad's shirt
<--Husband's Shirt
      Dad's Shirt-->